

References used on the Global Nerve Foundation Website:

  1. Padovano WM, Dengler J, Patterson MM, et al. Incidence of Nerve Injury After Extremity Trauma in the United States [published online ahead of print, 2020 Oct 21]. Hand (N Y). 2020;1558944720963895. doi:10.1177/1558944720963895

  2. Principles and Concepts, David J. Magee PhD, BPT, CM, in Orthopedic Physical Assessment, 2021 (definition of epineurium)

  3. Nerves and Nerve Injuries, Vol 1: History, Embryology, Anatomy, Imaging, and Diagnostics 2015, Pages 37-40 (definition of perineurium)
  4. Biomechanics of the Spine, Basic Concepts, Spinal Disorders and Treatments 2018, Pages 141-166 (definition of fascicle)
  5. Peripheral Neuropathy (Fourth Edition), VOLUME 1, 2005, Pages 35-91, Chapter 3 – Microscopic Anatomy of the Peripheral Nervous System (nerve fiber definition)
  6. Multiple Sclerosis As A Neuronal Disease. 2005, Pages 355-371, 25 – AMAN: What It Teaches Us about Mechanisms Underlying Axonal Injury, Kazim A.Sheikh M.B.B.S.
  7. From Dan A. Zlotolow, MD at
  8. Martin, E., Senders, J. T., DiRisio, A. C., Smith, T. R., & Broekman, M. L. D. (2019). Timing of surgery in traumatic brachial plexus injury: a systematic review, Journal of Neurosurgery, 130(4), 1333-1345. Retrieved Apr 17, 2023, from

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