



Headache, migraine, occipital neuralgia, cervicalgia, and facial pain are also problems that can come from compression of nerves around the head and face. Once these nerves are irritated or stimulated in some way, they can trigger a chain reaction that results in a migraine/ headache attack. Migraine/ headache symptoms may involve nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light along with debilitating headaches. For headache relief, you may find yourself avoiding certain triggers at home and at work, as you search for the right combination of solutions Finding a solution to headaches and migraines can be a long road. Different specialists may be needed to get the right diagnosis and treatment. It is important to ask about options, success and risks.  

Listen to Dr. Ziv Peled discuss the challenges that doctors face when trying to identify different types of headaches vs. migraines in patients.



There are many types of headaches including the classic migraine headache. Learn about the types and how to identify them from Drs. Ziv Peled and Lisa Gfrerer.
It can be difficult to tell the difference between a headache and migraines. Make sure you work with a specialist to define where the pain is coming from and whether it come from a specific location to another area or involves the entire head or neck. This information could help your doctor to recognize if you are suffering from a chronic headache, migraine, or nerve pain.



Finding a solution to headaches and migraines can be a long road. As you are working to find a diagnosis and treatment, make sure you define what success would be for each treatment, so you can get the help you need as quickly as possible.
Dr. Gfrerer explains potential treatments for chronic headaches caused by nerve pain.
Depending on the cause of chronic headaches, potential treatment options include nerve decompression surgeries. Headache surgery is meant for individuals with a compressed to squeezed nerve around the head, neck or face. The surgery involves releasing or removing the tightness around the nerve. The most appropriate surgery is determined from the trigger sites. Not all headache patients are surgical candidates. The ideal candidate has tried all the regular and traditional headache treatments with limited or no success. Doctors can help ease your migraines/ headaches through surgery (nerve decompression) or without surgery (nerve blocks and Botox) procedures. Specific surgery Dr. Lisa Gfrerer explains more about these surgeries and their use in the video at left.

If you think you might have a nerve problem, use our directory to identify a nerve expert to contact. 

Research on Migraines and Headaches

Research on Migraines and Headaches

In July, 2024 Dr. Michiel Zuidam presented Nonsurgical Treatment of Neuralgia and Cervicogenic Headache: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. During this presentation, Dr. Zuidam discussed results looking at the success of non-surgical treatments for migraines work vs. surgery, his thoughts on how patient care in Europe differs from the US when it comes to migraine surgery.

During this presentation, Dr. Zuidam discussed results looking at the success of non-surgical treatments for migraines work vs. surgery, his thoughts on how patient care in Europe differs from the US when it comes to migraine surgery. Read the full article here:

Surgical Treatment of Migraine Headaches – Webinar

Surgical Treatment of Migraine Headaches – Webinar

Also in July, Dr. Bahman Guyuron presented on his over 20 years of experience on surgical treatment for migraine headaches. The full webinar can be viewed at left.



Lisa G -resize

Lisa Gfrerer, MD

Assistant Professor in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Weill Cornell Medicine
Ziv Peled

Ziv Peled, MD

Peripheral Nerve Surgeon

Peled Surgery

portrait HH final

Harry Hoyen, MD

Orthopaedic and Nerve Surgeon Chair, GNF Awareness Committee

The content on or accessible through is for informational purposes only. This information is not a substitute for professional advice or expert medical services from a qualified healthcare provider

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